
The restricted and non restricted positions for expat in of Indonesia (part II)

For those who intend  to employ expats in personnel and human resources  affairs  or the expat her/him  self should consider  the decree of man power minister no 40 year 2012. This decree has restricted some specific positions to be served by expats,  .Please check list below
  • Direktur Personalia (Personnel Director);
  • Manajer Hubungan Industrial (Industrial Relation Manager);
  • Manajer Personalia (Human Resource Manager);
  • Supervisor Perekrutan Personalia (Personnel Recruitment Supervisor);
  • Supervisor Penempatan Personalia (Personnel Placement Supervisor);
  • Penasehat Karir (Career Advisor);
  • Supervisor Pembinaan Karir Pegawai (Emlployee Career Development Supervisor);
  • Penata Usaha Personalia (Personnel Declare Administrator);
  • Kepala Eksekutif Kantor (Chief Executive Officer);
  • Supervisor Pengembangan Personalia (Personnel Development Supervisor);
  • Ahli Pengembangan Personalia dan Karir (Personnel and Careers Specialist);
  • Spesialis Personalia (Personnel Specialist);
  • Penyelenggara Keselamatan Kerja Pegawai (Occupational Safety Specialist);
  • Penasehat Tenaga Kerja (Job Advisor);
  • Pembimbing dan Konseling Jabatan (Job Advisor and Counseling);
  • Perantara Tenaga Kerja (Employee Mediator);
  • Pengadministrasi Pelatihan Pegawai (Job Training Administrator);
  • Pewawancara Pegawai (Job Interviewer);
  • Analis Jabatan (Job Analyst).
See the link below for the full version of the decree.

The non restricted positions for expat in educational service industry of Indonesia (part I)

TheThe government of Indonesia  by the decree of Man power minister number; 462 year 2012, has determine the  non restricted positions for expat in educational service.There for,the non restricted position  can be served by expat and obligatation to make IMTA is inherent .Please see the pdf. below

Company establishment service Part I

Salamaka wastukancana  offers  service of  foreign company establishment,  we offer more faster and comprehenships  service to client`s requirement and objective by our experience and dedication. Below are  some brief information of our foreigner company establishment service


Name reservation

Notary deed

Legalization from Ministry laws and human  rights  of Indonesia

Domicile letter

The principal license from Investment board of Indonesia  (BKPM)

Tax number ID and Taxable entrepreneur

Company registration certificate .

The permanent business license  form investment board of Indonesia
Document required:

The copy of valid passport of applicant ,board of commissioners.board of directors

The Address of  office (candidate) a long with the leasing contract documents or the ownerships document of the office .

Some candidate of company`s name
Costs :

Starting from 30 millions (IDR) depends on the scale and location of the  company
Payment terms:

Further information or consultation (free)

087783943291 (WA)
Off line (by order) at: Meruya selatan no3 ,south meruya ,kembangan ,west Jakarta.

The negative and open business lists of indonesia

This president regulation is classifying the negative and open business lists for indonesian  and foreigner. The negative lists mostly classified by the hazard impact of business to national security and interest while the open  lists ,it`s not only considering the hazard impact and national security but the local and small business interest as well. and the foreign investment must not compete to small local business and cannot do the small scale retail.
please check the link above  for the lists

Expatriate taxation part I. (Income tax)

Expatriates working and living in Indonesia might be wondering about their self regarding the taxation Indonesia  do they have to  participate?. How  to participate in the taxation  program if they are obligate to?
According to the  laws

Be present more than 183 days during one year in Indonesia
knowing this 12 month period is not necessarily the calendar year. Indeed, anyone who has spent that length of time in the country, regardless of the type of visa they are using to visit the country, will be considered as a tax resident in Indonesia
Reside in Indonesia and intend to remain
there – a foreign individual working in Indonesia might be considered as a resident even though they have spent less than 183 days in the country. For instance this would be the case if he moved with his family to Indonesia and that it was clear enough that he intended to stay in Indonesia for a reasonable length of time.
Thus, the key criteria to determine whether or not an individual must be considered as a Indonesian tax resident isn’t nationality, but rather length of stay (or intended stay).
An expatriate will be considered as a tax resident in Indonesia until the date of final departure from the country.
In Indonesia, according to article 4 of chapter 3 of the Personal Income tax in its updated version of 2008, taxable income includes:

1.       Employment income
2.       Income from the exercise of an independent profession or business
3.       Passive income (dividends, royalties, interest, insurance gains)
4.       Capital gains (from the sale or transfer of property)
5.       Rents and other income from the use of property
6.       For the purposes of this article however, we will offer a focus on taxation of employment income.

The  below tables listed the income of expatriate which included  as the tax payer  
Annual Income
Tax Free
Up to Rp54,000,000
Band I
Up to Rp50,000,000
Band II
Rp50,000,000 to Rp250,000,000
Band III
Rp250,000,000 to Rp500,000,000
Band IV
Above Rp500,000,000

Free visa and visa on arrival part II

The visa on arrival how ever is different  than free visa facility  not only for  its` coverage function but also for its` validity,it can cover:
  1. Leisure, Tourism
  2. Family
  3. Social
  4. Art and Cultural
  5. Government visit
  6. Giving Lecture or attend Seminar
  7. Attend a meeting held by Head Office or Representative Office in Indonesia
  8. Continue journey to another country
And it can be extended  for one time . The extension valid for 30 days  
Below  are  the visa on arrival list of countries
1.       Algeria
2.       Andorra
3.       Argentina
4.       Armenia
5.       Australia
6.       Austria
7.       Bahrain
8.       Belarus
9.       Belgium
10.    Brazil
11.    Bulgaria
12.    Canada
13.    China
14.    Croatia
15.    Cyprus
16.    Czech Republic
17.    Denmark
18.    Egypt
19.    Estonia
20.    Fiji
21.    Finland
22.    France
23.    Germany
24.    Greece
25.    Hungary
26.    Iceland
27.    India
28.    Ireland
29.    Italy
30.    Japan
31.    Kuwait
32.    Latvia
33.    Libya
34.    Liechtenstein
35.    Lithuania
36.    Luxembourg
37.    Maldives
38.    Malta
39.    Mexico
40.    Monaco
41.    Netherlands
42.    New Zealand
43.    Norway
44.    Oman
45.    Panama
46.    Papua New Guinea
47.    Poland
48.    Portugal
49.    Qatar
50.    Romania
51.    Russia
52.    Saudi Arabia
53.    Seychelles
54.    Slovakia
55.    Slovenia
56.    South Africa
57.    South Korea
58.    Spain
59.    Suriname
60.    Sweden
61.    Switzerland
62.    Taiwan
63.    Timor Leste
64.    Tunisia
65.    Turkey
66.    United Arab Emirates
67.    United Kingdom
68.    United States of America
Further information and service  please  please contact:
+62 8129 0386 526 ,+ 62 8190 6437 917 (phone)
+62 8778 3943 291 (whatsApp)

Or visit us at : Meruya selatan 3  rt/rw 04/07 ,Meruya Selatan ,Kembangan, West Jakarta

The Free Hold Rights or The Usage Rights? (Can Foreigner Own the Property in Indonesia part I)

                                                                                                                 Many to confu...